Published Aug 29, 2007 by Judy Marciano. 

Labor Day then, Labor Day now
I found out that the original Labor Day holiday was formed in celebration of the new modern, lifestyle which included 8 hours of work, 8 hours of recreation and 8 hours of sleep. That was in 1882, now one hundred and twenty five years later, we have 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work and 8 hours of fiddling with our home phones, cell phones, e-mails, instant messaging, faxes, blackberrys, text messaging, the mobile web, googling and blogging. It's great to be the recipient of all that wonderful progress, enjoy this holiday weekend and please leave those buttons alone and relax.
Published Aug 27, 2007 by Judy Marciano. 

The market is crazy, mortgage companies are closing, jumbo rates are going up, regular rates are going down, banks are closing, but as the newspapers spin one horror story after another, people still need to move. People still get married, receive promotions, get relocated, have children, get divorced, graduate from college, retire, etc.. and this contributes to a demand for housing, especially in the Hudson County area, Hoboken in particular.
At the current time, buyers can finally freely negotiate a transaction. And sellers need to pay attention to realistic pricing when listing their properties. There are definitely some true bargains available in a market that is bound to change in a positive way for the future. And as this market changes, some buyers can't get the right amount of financing or may choose to wait a little longer to make a purchae, or some sellers may decide to "wait and see" what happens before they decide to sell their property & either stay longer or rent their place. This translates to it being a wonderful time to be a landlord, as there are plenty of tenants looking for rentals and not enough apartments to rent. So as times get tougher, its time to get smarter, establish a plan and work towards it.
Published Aug 17, 2007 by Judy Marciano. 
hobokenwaterfrontpropertycheck out my new website which provides details on 3 new listings at 2 Constitituion Court in the South Constitution complex in Hoboken
Published Aug 16, 2007 by Judy Marciano. 

Environmentally friendly or "green" strategies are becoming more and more important in the world of real estate. Today we had a guest speaker in our office from EAM Associates (Energy & Management Resources). They offer green building consulting services. They spoke about the latest environmentally friendly materials and processes and how this affects developers as well as actual buyers. There is actually such a thing as an "energy efficient mortgage" or EEM. This type of mortgage makes it easier for borrowers to qualify for loans to purchase homes with specific energy-efficiency imporvements. There are also potential benefits to home builders such as tax credits for building new energy efficient homes. And last but not least, lets not forget the benefits of actually living in a green building....cleaner, filtered fresh air; reduced exposure to allergens, lower utility bills from energy-saving features and high efficiency use and using recycled building materials which won't add to our already large land fills. If you want to learn more about ways to save money and protect the envirement, you can go to the website of Energy Star which is a program introduced by the EPA to identify and promote energy-efficient products.