LEED-certified green building
Published Nov 22, 2006 by Judy Marciano | E-mail this post 

ok, Hoboken is going to have a LEED certified green high rise residence.....so what is LEED?
LEED - (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design), green building rating system is a nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. It is a rigorous set of standards that builders can comply with that minimize negative impact on the environment & allow for self sustainable buildings as much as possible with recycling of energy & develop different systems that are more environmentally friendly.
The 5 key areas that are promoted include:
1. sustainable site development
2. water savings
3. energy efficiency
4. materials selection
5. indoor environmental quality
The future site for this LEED certified green building will be located at 14th & Garden Street. Hopefully this will be the first of many and more builders will be moving in this direction.