An "informed but informal" place to find real estate information

Today is considered to be one of the most depressing days of the year. This conclusion was officially designed by a health psychologist, Dr. Cliff Arnall, who actually came up with a formula to calculate this very low, emotional day -1/8W+(D-d)3/8xTQMxNA- .
Some of the reasons factored into his equation are: weather, debt from the holidays, time gone by by not keeping up with your New Year's resolutions or being able to quit a bad habit, no holidays this month, etc. So he came up with January 24th or whatever Monday would be closest to the 24th (and he chose Monday as it is the least popular day of the week).
BUT...the good news is that the day is almost over and in 5 months from now is the happiest day of the year, June 23rd.
About me
- I'm Judy Marciano
- From Hoboken, NJ, United States
- Thanks for checking out my blog. I am a full time licensed NJ real estate agent in Hoboken at Empire Realty Group. As I go thru Hudson County each day, often I stop to take a picture. Feel free to contact me for any real estate assistance at