In a competitive market that we are experiencing today, the discussions regarding the listing price of a new listing is critical. Many times, pricing is placed too high because of expectations of the seller based on their projections of the value of their unit at the height of the market. The problem is that if it is priced too high, no one will come to see the unit. And if you have no interest, there is no room for negotiation and your new listing quickly becomes stale. However, if the unit is priced right or just below the current market price, more people will show active interest in your unit and more likely than not, you will find yourself in the middle of a good old bidding war. It is not uncommon that during this bidding war, you will get an offer for your unit for above the asking price because once you get people interested, they then fix it in their mind that this is the place for them. I do understand that it is sometimes a bitter pill for a seller to swallow, offering their unit at a price below what they thought it was worth only a few months ago. So I recommend for a seller who is insistent that their unit is worth a certain price, that the unit be aggressively marketed at this price for a two week period and if does not generate a healthy interest in the market place, then the listing be removed from the mls and all other advertising vehicles and re-listed and advertised at a reduced price and more often than not, the seller will be pleasantly surprised at how many more appointments will be scheduled to view their property resulting in offers and quite possibly for an amount for more than the newly listed price. Be smart, not greedy and you will find success in today's market.