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more buildings in 2006
Published Dec 31, 2005 by Judy Marciano | E-mail this post 
They keep building, people keep buying.... One of the many good reasons to purchase property in Hudson County is the commute.I worked and commuted to NYC for almost twenty years before I became a realtor. So I am very empathetic to a clients commuting preferances. At one point I moved to the suburbs but I moved back w/i the same year I moved out. If you work in NYC and want more time living and less time commuting, its great to be in Hudson County. Yes, you pay more for property but you pay less for your commute, you have more commuting options and a much shorter commute and you are close enough to NYC to take advantage of all this wonderful city has to offer w/o paying the even higher property prices to live in NYC.In Hoboken you can take a ferry - either from uptown or downtown, you can take the Path train, you can take the bus to Port Authority - from either Washington Street or Clinton Street, or you can drive or even take a cab. So lets not forget with all this speculation that there will always be advantages to living here and although the pace of the market may change, the demand will continue.
Hudson Tea, Upper Grand
Riva Pointe, Harrison Court
Maxwell Place
About me
- I'm Judy Marciano
- From Hoboken, NJ, United States
- Thanks for checking out my blog. I am a full time licensed NJ real estate agent in Hoboken at Empire Realty Group. As I go thru Hudson County each day, often I stop to take a picture. Feel free to contact me for any real estate assistance at